Our Villas

Villa Samudra Raya

Address :
Jalan Mertanadi, Gg. Lima Dua, Banjar Mertanadi
Kel. Kerobokan Kelod – Kec. Kuta Utara – Kab. Badung
Bali 80361 – INDONESIA
Phone : +62-361-731884
Email : reservation@exclusivebalivillas.com
5 bedrooms, 4bathrooms ,2 pools

Villa Devata II

Address :
Jalan Raya Basangkasa, Gang Dewata No. 15, Banjar Basangkasa
Kel. Seminyak – Kec. Kuta Utara – Kab. Badung
Bali 80361 – INDONESIA
Phone : +62-361-731884
Email : reservation@exclusivebalivillas.com
5 bedrooms, 4bathrooms ,1 pool

Villa Aqua

Address :
Jalan Kayu Jati No. 20
Oberoi – Seminyak
Bali 80361 – INDONESIA
Phone : +62-361-731884
Email : reservation@exclusivebalivillas.com
4 bedrooms, 4bathrooms ,1 pool

Book Now With Us!

Experience new sensation with our villas choises, from sunrise to sunset we provide you the best experience to stay in Bali.